If someone removes from judaism the prophets, and removes - from christianism Jesus Christ passed on - all the later additions, especially those made by the priests (that is, the catholic church), one will obtain a body of teachings that can heal all the social evils of humankind.
It is the duty of every single person of goodwill to continously do the best he or she can, in his or her own tiny world, to make those teachings of true humanity a living force. If such a person does an honest attempt in that direction, without being smashed and stepped upon but his or her contemporaries, wholly lucky is how he or she can consider him or herself - as well as the community he or she belongs to.
Albert Einstein in his book How I see the world
The big issue: What has been passed on and was really assimilated in christianity (catholicism included) corresponds to the very addictions that Einstein recommends be removed from such religion. The body of Jesus's teaching that Einstein exorts to be put into practice not a single person who declares himself/herself a christian is able to cite. Really, no one. I myself confirmed that along several surveys.
Albert Einstein, em trecho do livro Como vejo o mundo:
Se alguém elimina, do judaísmo, os profetas; e se elimina do cristianismo - como Jesus Cristo o transmitiu-, todas as adições posteriores, especialmente as adições feitas pelos padres (igreja católica), esse alguém terá um corpo de ensinamentos que é capaz de curar todos os males sociais da humanidade.
O Problema: O que foi passado adiante e "pegou" são justamente as adições que Einstein recomenda que sejam removidas da religião. O corpo de ensinamentos de Jesus que Einstein aponta como "cura para todos os males sociais" é desconhecido pelos cristãos: nenhum cristão declarado é capaz de citar tais ensinamentos. Eu mesma comprovei isso por meio de pesquisas junto a pessoas que se declaram cristãs (católicas inclusive).